HTTP Messages¶
The Message class provides an interface to the portions of an HTTP message that are common to both requests and responses, including the message body, protocol version, utilities for working with the headers, and methods for handling content negotiation.
This class is the parent class that both the Request Class and the Response Class extend from. As such, some methods, such as the content negotiation methods, may apply only to a request or response, and not the other one, but they have been included here to keep the header methods together.
What is Content Negotiation?¶
At it's heart Content Negotiation is simply a part of the HTTP specification that allows a single resource to serve more than one type of content, allowing the clients to request the type of data that works best for them.
A classic example of this is a browser that cannot display PNG files can request only GIF or JPEG images. When the getServer receives the request, it looks at the available file types the client is requesting and selects the best match from the image formats that it supports, in this case likely choosing a JPEG image to return.
This same negotiation can happen with four types of data:
- Media/Document Type - this could be image format, or HTML vs. XML or JSON.
- Character Set - The character set the returned document should be set in. Typically is UTF-8.
- Document Encoding - Typically the type of compression used on the results.
- Document Language - For sites that support multiple languages, this helps determine which to return.
()¶ 戻り値: The current message body 戻り値の型: string Returns the current message body, if any has been set. If not body exists, returns null:
echo $message->body();
([$str])¶ パラメータ: - $str (string) -- The body of the message.
戻り値: the Message instance to allow methods to be chained together.
戻り値の型: CodeIgniter\HTTP\Message instance.
Sets the body of the current request.
()¶ 戻り値: void Scans and parses the headers found in the SERVER data and stores it for later access. This is used by the IncomingRequest Class to make the current request's headers available.
The headers are any SERVER data that starts with
. Each message is converted from it's standard uppercase and underscore format to a ucwords and dash format. The precedingHTTP_
is removed from the string. SoHTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE
()¶ 戻り値: An array of all of the headers found. 戻り値の型: array Returns an array of all headers found or previously set.
([$name[, $filter = null]])¶ パラメータ: - $name (string) -- The name of the header you want to retrieve the value of.
- $filter (int) -- The type of filter to apply. A list of filters can be found here.
戻り値: The current value of the header. If the header has multiple values, they will be returned as an array.
戻り値の型: string|array|null
Allows you to retrieve the current value of a single message header.
is the case-insensitive header name. While the header is converted internally as described above, you can access the header with any type of case:// These are all the same: $message->header('HOST'); $message->header('Host'); $message->header('host');
If the header has multiple values, the values will return as an array of values. You can use the
method to retrieve the values as a string:echo $message->header('Accept-Language'); // Outputs something like: [ 'en', 'en-US' ]
You can filter the header by passing a filter value in as the second parameter:
$message->header('Document-URI', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
($name)¶ パラメータ: - $name (string) -- The name of the header to retrieve.
戻り値: A string representing the header value.
戻り値の型: string
Returns the value(s) of the header as a string. This method allows you to easily get a string representation of the header values when the header has multiple values. The values are appropriately joined:
echo $message->headerLine('Accept-Language'); // Outputs: en, en-US
([$name[, $value]]) パラメータ: - $name (string) -- The name of the header to set the value for.
- $value (mixed) -- The value to set the header to.
戻り値: The current message instance
戻り値の型: CodeIgniter\HTTP\Message
Sets the value of a single header.
is the case-insensitive name of the header. If the header doesn't already exist in the collection, it will be created. The$value
can be either a string or an array of strings:$message->setHeader('Host', '');
([$name])¶ パラメータ: - $name (string) -- The name of the header to remove.
戻り値: The current message instance
戻り値の型: CodeIgniter\HTTP\Message
Removes the header from the Message.
is the case-insensitive name of the header:$message->remove('Host');
([$name[, $value]]))¶ パラメータ: - $name (string) -- The name of the header to modify
- $value (mixed) -- The value to add to the header.
戻り値: The current message instance
戻り値の型: CodeIgniter\HTTP\Message
Adds a value to an existing header. The header must already be an array of values instead of a single string. If it is a string then a LogicException will be thrown.
$message->appendHeader('Accept-Language', 'en-US; q=0.8');
()¶ 戻り値: The current HTTP protocol version 戻り値の型: string Returns the message's current HTTP protocol. If none has been set, will return
. Acceptable values are1.0
($version)¶ パラメータ: - $version (string) -- The HTTP protocol version
戻り値: The current message instance
戻り値の型: CodeIgniter\HTTP\Message
Sets the HTTP protocol version this Message uses. Valid values are
($supported[, $strictMatch=false])¶ パラメータ: - $supported (array) -- An array of media types the application supports
- $strictMatch (bool) -- Whether it should force an exact match to happen.
戻り値: The supported media type that best matches what is requested.
戻り値の型: string
Parses the
header and compares with the application's supported media types to determine the best match. Returns the appropriate media type. The first parameter is an array of application supported media types that should be compared against header values:$supported = [ 'image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/gif' ]; $imageType = $message->negotiateMedia($supported);
array should be structured so that the application's preferred format is the first in the array, with the rest following in descending order of priority. If no match can be made between the header values and the supported values, the first element of the array will be returned.Per the RFC the match has the option of returning a default value, like this method does, or to return an empty string. If you need to have an exact match and would like an empty string returned instead, pass
as the second parameter:// Returns empty string if no match. $imageType = $message->negotiateMedia($supported, true);
The matching process takes into account the priorities and specificity of the RFC. This means that the more specific header values will have a higher order of precedence, unless modified by a different
value. For more details, please read the appropriate section of the RFC.
($supported)¶ パラメータ: - $supported (array) -- An array of character sets the application supports.
戻り値: The supported character set that best matches what is required.
戻り値の型: string
This is used identically to the
method, except that it matches against theAccept-Charset
header string:$supported = [ 'utf-8', 'iso-8895-9' ]; $charset = $message->negotiateCharset($supported);
If no match is found, the system will default to
($supported)¶ パラメータ: - $supported (array) -- An array of character encodings the application supports.
戻り値: The supported character set that best matches what is required.
戻り値の型: string
Determines the best match between the application-supported values and the
header value. If no match is found, will return the first element of the$supported
array:$supported = [ 'gzip', 'compress' ]; $encoding = $message->negotiateEncoding($supported);
($supported)¶ パラメータ: - $supported (array) -- An array of languages the application supports.
戻り値: The supported language that best matches what is required.
戻り値の型: string
Determines the best match between the application-supported languages and the
header value. If no match is found, will return the first element of the$supported
array:$supported = [ 'en', 'fr', 'x-pig-latin' ]; $language = $message->negotiateLanguage($supported);
More information about the language tags is available in RFC 1766.